The most robust observability solution for Salesforce experts. Built 100% natively on the platform, and designed to work seamlessly with Apex, Lightning Components, Flow, OmniStudio, and integrations.
Controller class for the lightning web component related-log-entries
getQueryResult(Id recordId,String fieldSetName,Integer rowLimit,Integer rowOffset,String sortByFieldName,String sortDirection,String search)
→ LogEntryQueryResult
Used by the component relatedLogEntries to get log entries for a particular record (based on record ID)
Param | Description |
recordId |
Used to filter LogEntryc records where RecordIdc == recordId |
fieldSetName |
The API/developer name of the field set |
rowLimit |
The max number of rows to query |
rowOffset |
Reserved for future use |
sortByFieldName |
The field to sort by |
sortDirection |
The direction to sort by (asc or desc)) |
search |
An optional search term to filter by |
The instance of LogEntryQueryResult, containing matching records and metadata
An inner, wrapper class containing metadata information about an individual field.
→ String
A string containing the API name of the field, in particular the field path as it relates to the parent field set.
→ Boolean
Boolean that returns true if this field is the standard Name field for its parent object.
→ String
A string containing the label of the field.
→ String
A string used for lookup fields to indicate the display name of the lookup / relationship.
→ String
If the field is a lookup or master detail relationship, this string will return the relationship API name. For instance: Lookupr instead of Lookupc.
→ Boolean
Boolean that returns true if this field is sortable.
→ String
Returns the type of the field, matching the Schema.DisplayType ENUM values, but in all lowercase letters.
Inner, wrapper class, containing metadata around the list of fields used in the related log entry query.
→ List<FieldMetadata>
A list of field related metadata
→ String
Contains the label of the desired field set, fetched using a describe call on the field set.
→ String
A string containing the API name of the field set, including the namespace prefix, if applicable.
Inner, wrapper class that contains query result information after querying related log entries.
→ FieldSetMetadata
Contains the fieldSet associated with this query.
→ Boolean
Contains the result of the CRUD check, determining if the log entry is "accessible" for the current user.
→ String
Contains the label of the log entry sObject, fetched using a describe call in the constructor.
→ String
Contains the plural label of the log entry sObject, fetched using a describe call in the constructor.
→ List<LogEntry__c>
contains the log entry results from the query.
→ Integer
Contains the number of records returned via the log entries query.